Past Activities

Get everyone excited at work! Board game party

Deepen your communication through board games and card games!

# Internal Communication # Board Games # Card Games

Hello! This is the PR representative for Footbank Systems.
We value the workplace as not just a place to work, but also a place where employees can have fun and interact with each other. As part of this, we have a variety of board and card games available.

Socializing through card games after work

The game this time is "Katakanashi"
This is a game in which you have to explain the katakana words written on cards without using katakana.
The two contestants from Austria and Sweden put up a great fight, with expression and vocabulary being key.
It is surprisingly difficult to give an explanation without using Katakana, which makes for a good brain workout.
The person guessing will also listen carefully, trying to figure out what the other person is trying to say, but each person only has one answer per game, so it's first come, first served and they can't listen carefully.
The excitement was fuelled by the challenge of how quickly we could derive answers from limited information.
As the game progressed, the alcohol flowed and we started using a lot of katakana words at the end... It was a fun night!

Planning game tournaments and drinking parties both inside and outside the company

We are currently planning various events to deepen the bonds between employees.
We plan to open the event to people both inside and outside the company as a place for interaction that goes beyond work. Dates, times, and details will be updated on our website and social media, so please check them out!

We are looking for participants!

Why not find friends and have fun together through games?
If you love games, are interested in IT, or would like to work with us, please apply!
We also offer casual interviews, so please feel free to contact us!

・Recruitment application

・Casual interview entry